This unique bundle of both the Fascia Embodied and the Personalised Alignment courses will give you a window into the fascinating, effective, healing, and truly integrative space that yoga can be.
The Fascia Embodied course brings you an exciting exploration into FASCIA as the body’s largest sensory organ as well as its importance in functional movement. With its all-encompassing quality it not only envelops every part of our human body, it also connects directly into the mental-emotional body...and some scientists even go as far as stating it transports consciousness!
In the Personalised Alignment course you’ll explore applied physiology and the functional anatomy of yoga movement. Diving deep into the performance of asanas, you’ll learn about correct alignment and how to make yoga accessible for each body type.
These courses both balance on the beautiful axis of ancient yogic teachings and modern bio-medical science. They allow us to take the physical body as the gateway to the deeper layers of our being.